How It Works

Upload Your Subscriber List

Setup and Start the Job

Access Reports

Send to USPS Electronically

Now is the time to make a change that will save you both time and money.

What if every paper in the U.S. switched to True Newspaper Mail?

  • Combined annual postage savings: $18,032,000*
  • Software license savings: $6,040,000*

How To Start

The best way to start is by learning how much you can save! Call or email to start the easy 4-step process that can be completed in one day!

Discovery – We get to learn about your publication and specific mailing environment.

Postal Comparison – Let’s see exactly how much postage TNM can save you.

Training and Optimizations – We will walk you through the entire process and make recommendations for even better delivery and more savings

Go Live – Take it live and experience the better way to mail your newspaper

Find out what YOUR savings could be

As a regional newspaper printer we work with virtually every postal software company serving the newspaper industry. We have found that no one comes close to the cost savings or mail preparation needed by today’s newspaper publisher. Our savings continue to grow, now over $15,000 per year.
Jeff Wagner
President, White Wolf Web Printers / Iowa Information Publications
I'm proud to now be able to offer Interlink's True Newspaper Mail service to ANY newspaper that uses the USPS for delivery. It's cloud based, so there are no hardware requirements or time consuming downloads for updates. Just upload your list, and our pre-sort handles the rest. Whatever Circulation software you currently use, if you deliver papers through the mail, then True Newspaper Mail is for you!
Chris Freeman
Sales Manager / Interlink Inc.
One of my favorite parts of our new circulation software was the inclusion of True Newspaper Mail. True Newspaper Mail works so easily, accurately, and is simple to adapt to our many different publications. Better still is the staff at Interlink! They are very responsive to specific needs and making sure the software is always running smoothly. Having worked with other brands of postal software, True Newspaper Mail is at the top of my list!
Connie Knap
Audience Development Manager / The Daily Journal
Easiest money saving move you can make!
The Daily Harold