How It Works
Upload Your Subscriber List
Setup and Start the Job
Access Reports
Send to USPS Electronically
Now is the time to make a change that will save you both time and money.
What if every paper in the U.S. switched to True Newspaper Mail?
- Combined annual postage savings: $18,032,000*
- Software license savings: $6,040,000*
How To Start
The best way to start is by learning how much you can save! Call or email to start the easy 4-step process that can be completed in one day!
Discovery – We get to learn about your publication and specific mailing environment.
Postal Comparison – Let’s see exactly how much postage TNM can save you.
Training and Optimizations – We will walk you through the entire process and make recommendations for even better delivery and more savings
Go Live – Take it live and experience the better way to mail your newspaper
Find out what YOUR savings could be